Welcome to the Unofficial Web Site of the;
 “Church of the East”
aslo known as
“Nestorian Church”,
“Persian Church”,
“East Syrian Church”,
“Chaldean Syrian Church” in India only,
 “Holy Apostolic Catholic Assyrian Church of the East”,
 “Assyrian Church of the East”

The Theology of the Church of the East has been stated briefly and clearly in the following “Hymn of Praise  (TESHBOKHTA)”  Composed by Mar Babai the Great in the sixth century A.D.,   a noted theologian of the Church

One is Christ the Son of God,
Worshiped by all in two natures;
In His Godhead begotten of the Father,
Without beginning before all time;
In His humanity born of Mary,
In the fullness of time, in a body united;
Neither His Godhead is of the nature of the mother,
Nor His humanity of the nature of the Father;
The natures are preserved in their Qnumas
In one person of one Sonship.
And as the Godhead is three substances in one nature,
Likewise the Sonship of the Son is in two natures, one person.
So the Holy Church has taught.

* Qnuma, is an Aramaic word. The nearest equivalent is the Greek “hypostasis”, in Latin “substantia” and in English “substance”.

email: info@nestorian.org

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